Lede utilizes the finest gasket materials available in our products. Over the past 50 year great advanced have been made in synthetic elastomer technologies, allowing us to
offer a full range of synthetic rubber gasket materials for a wide variety of piping applications. Lede gaskets are engineered and designed to meet and exceed standards
such as ASTM D2000, AWWA C606, NSF61 and IAPMO. Our own stringent internal laboratory testing confirms this. Our continual research, development and testing are designed to advance the elastomer field and to develop new and better solutions for our ever changing industry.
Chemical resistance is primarily determined by the grade

Good for cold & hot water up to +230°F (+110°C). Also good for
services for water with acid, water with chlorine, deionizzed
water, seawater and waste water, dilute acids, oil-free air and
many chemicals.
Not recommended for petroleum oils, solvents and aromaƟc
hydrocarbons.EPDM Green Stripe E-29°F (-34°C)
+230°F (+110°C)Good for petroleum oils, mineral oils, vegetable oils, aromaƟc
hydrocarbons, many acids and water ≤ +150°F (+65°C).Nitrile Orange Stripe T -20°F (-29°C)
to +180°F (+82°C)Compound Grade Color Dode Recommended Services Maximum Temp. RangeGood for oily and greasy food products and processing, as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturing. Compounded
from FAD approved ingrediients (CFR Title 21 Part 177.2600).White Nitrile White Gasket A-20°F (-7°C)
+180°F (+82°C)Good for dry, hot air without hydrocarbons and some high
temperature chemical services. May also be used for fire
protection dry systems.Silicone Red Stripe L-29°F (-34°C)
+350°F (+177°C)Good for many oxidizing acids, petroleum oils, halogenated
hydrocarbons, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, organic liquids and air
with hydrocarbons to +300°F (+149°C).Fluoro-elastomer
(Viton) O Blue Stripe-20°F (-7°C)
+300°F (+149°C)

and or the compound of the gasket. The color coding identifies the gasket grade and or compound. Always verify that the gasket selected is correct for the intended service.
Service temperature is controlled by factors including the gasket compound, fluid medium (air, water, oils, etc.), and continuity (continuous or intermitient) of service.
Under no circumstances should gaskets be exposed to temperatures ablow their individual rankings. For additional information or specific applications contact Lede for recommendations.
Standard Gaskets